Wednesday, 25 December 2013

About exhibitions

Painting from 1990 on Bali I seldom had exhibitions. My last exhibition was in 2006 in Popo Danes’ art veranda.

At that occasion I said in an interview: ’An exhibition is standing still and counterproductive like looking back and interrupting the creative process. To organize an exhibition takes so much energy and time. The most satisfaction I get from my art is the hours I spend playing with the different colors on a piece of paper.’ Making a text for invitations and for a brochure, the mistakes that are made by the printer, the day your order has to be delivered. Irritation during the framing and the hanging. And then when the works are hanging there is nothing more to be done than getting compliments, comments, the works are no more mine but the visitors. Dutch cartoonist Peter van Straaten understands. So most times I showed my works at home and in restaurants, where they are functionally decorating the walls and very often change the sphere, the mood in the restaurant. This was very much notable when I had a show in Vincent’s restaurant in Candi Dasa.( October 7-December 31 2007).


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